轮播,热门搜索,历史搜索,定位,服务列表,消息,个人资料,登录注册,忘记密码 ,修改密码,手机号登录,服务详情,服务下单,我的订单,帮助中心,钱包等功能,提供需要学习的朋友研究学习使用
<template> <view class=""> <mescroll-body :sticky="true" ref="mescrollRef" @init="mescrollInit" @down="downCallback" @up="upCallback"> <view class="padding-lr padding-top-sm bg flex " @click.stop="goSearch"> <view class="flex justify-between margin-right-sm" @tap.stop="goSelectCity" style="line-height: 68rpx;"> <image src="../../static/images/index/place.png" style="width: 27rpx;height: 37rpx;" class="margin-top-xs"></image> <view class="localName text-white margin-left-sm">{{city}}</view> </view> <u-search class="flex-sub" placeholder="搜索你需要的服务" shape="square" disabled :show-action="false" :animation="true" bg-color="#F7F7F7" color="#1A1A1A"></u-search> </view> <!-- 开源版本仅提供学习使用 商业版本联系 v maxdlln --> <view class="sticky-tabs u-skeleton-rect"> <me-tabs v-model="tabIndex" nameKey='gameName' :tabs="tabData" @change="tabChange"></me-tabs> </view> <view v-if="tabIndex == 0" class="" style="background-color: #F7F7F7;"> <view class="padding-lr-sm "> <swiper class="screen-swiper" style="height: 260rpx;" :circular="true" :autoplay="true" interval="2500" duration="800"> <swiper-item v-for="(item,index) in swiperList" :key="index"> <image :src="item.imageUrl" mode="aspectFit" class="radius"></image> </swiper-item> </swiper> </view> <view class="" style="color: #333333;margin-bottom: 15rpx;"> <u-grid :col="5" :border="false"> <u-grid-item bg-color="#F7F7F7" v-for="(item,index) in gridData" :key='index' @click="goNav(item.url)"> <image :src="item.imageUrl" style="width: 92rpx;height: 92rpx;border-radius: 92rpx;"> </image> <view class="grid-text">{{item.name}}</view> </u-grid-item> </u-grid> </view> <view style="width: 95%;margin: 0 auto;" v-if="renzheng && XCXIsSelect != '否'"> <view style="width: 100%;height: 130rpx;" @click="bindRz"> <image src="../../static/images/ruzhu.png" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;"></image> </view> </view> <!-- 开源版本仅提供学习使用 商业版本联系 v maxdlln --> <view class="bg margin-lr-sm padding-sm radius " v-if="lowTaking.length"> <view class="flex justify-between text-white padding-bottom-sm "> <view style="font-weight: 600;">优惠专区</view> <view @tap="goLowTaking()"> 更多 <image class="margin-left-sm" style="width: 14rpx;height: 24rpx;display: inline-block;" src="../../static/images/index/right.png"></image> </view> </view> <view class="flex justify-between" style="overflow: hidden;"> <view v-for="(item,index) in lowTaking" :key='index' @click="goOrder(item)" style="width: 200rpx;"> <view class="u-relative"> <image style="width: 200rpx;height: 200rpx;border-radius: 10rpx;" :src="item.homepageImg?item.homepageImg: '../../static/logo.png'"> </image> </view> <view style="display: inline-flex;width: 100%;"> <!-- <view class="margin-top-xs text-white text-df" v-for="item in game ">{{item}}</view> --> <view v-if="item.authentication == 2||item.authentication == 3"> <image src="../../static/images/qi.png" style="width: 28rpx;height: 28rpx;margin-top: 8rpx;"></image> </view> <view class="" v-if="item.authentication == 1||item.authentication == 3"> <image src="../../static/images/geren.png" style="width: 28rpx;height: 28rpx;margin-left: 10rpx;margin-top: 8rpx;"></image> </view> <view class="text-white text-30 u-line-1 " style="margin-left: 10rpx;">{{item.myLevel}} </view> </view> <view class="margin-top-xs"> <view style="color:#FF1200"> ¥{{isVip? item.memberMoney :item.money}}元/{{item.unit}} </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> <view style="background-color: #F5F5F5;padding-top: 1rpx;" v-if="orderList.length"> <view class="text-center padding-tb-sm text-lg text-bold" v-if="tab ==0">推荐服务</view> <ren-dropdown-filter :filterData='filterData' :border="false" :defaultIndex='defaultIndex' @onSelected='change' class="u-skeleton-rect"> </ren-dropdown-filter> <view class="flex justify-between margin-top-xs bg padding-sm radius " v-for="(item,index) in orderList" :key='index' @click="goOrder(item)"> <image :src="item.homepageImg?item.homepageImg: '../../static/logo.png'" style="width: 200rpx;height: 200rpx;border-radius: 10rpx;"></image> <view class="flex-sub margin-left text-white flex flex-direction justify-between"> <view class="flex justify-between align-center"> <view class="flex"> <view v-if="item.authentication == 2||item.authentication == 3"> <image src="../../static/images/qi.png" style="width: 28rpx;height: 28rpx;margin-top: 10rpx;"></image> </view> <view class="" v-if="item.authentication == 1||item.authentication == 3"> <image src="../../static/images/geren.png" style="width: 28rpx;height: 28rpx;margin-left: 10rpx;margin-top: 10rpx;"> </image> </view> <view class="margin-right-xs text-30" style="display: inline-block;width: 260rpx;margin-left: 10rpx; overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;"> {{item.myLevel}} </view> </view> <view> {{item.distance/1000}}km </view> </view> <view class="flex radius" style="line-height: 34upx;"> <view style="width: 100%;position: relative;line-height: 40rpx;color: #999999;"> <text class="margin-right-xs" v-for="(item,index) in item.gameName" :key="index">{{item}}</text> </view> </view> <view class="flex" style="align-items: center;font-size: 24rpx;" v-if="item.count"> <view style="color: #999999;background: #F2F2F2; padding: 5rpx 10rpx;"> 已服务{{item.count}}人 </view> </view> <view style="width: 100%;display: flex;justify-content: space-between;align-items: center;"> <view style="color:#FF1200;font-size: 31rpx;"> ¥{{isVip? item.memberMoney :item.money}}元/<text>{{item.unit}}</text> </view> <view style="background: #557EFD;color: #ffffff;padding: 15rpx 25rpx;border-radius: 45rpx;"> 预约服务 </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> <empty v-if="orderList.length == 0"></empty> </mescroll-body> <u-skeleton :loading="loading" :animation="true" elColor='#FFFFFF' bgColor='#FFFFFF'></u-skeleton> </view> </template> <script> import MescrollMixin from "@/components/mescroll-uni/components/mescroll-uni/mescroll-mixins.js"; import mescrollBody from "@/components/mescroll-uni/components/mescroll-body/mescroll-body.vue"; import meTabs from "@/components/mescroll-uni/me-tabs/me-tabs.vue"; import empty from '@/components/empty.vue' import RenDropdownFilter from '@/components/ren-dropdown-filter/ren-dropdown-filter.vue' export default { mixins: [MescrollMixin], // 使用mixin components: { mescrollBody, meTabs, empty, RenDropdownFilter }, data() { return { loading: true, // 是否显示骨架屏组件 defaultSelected: [], tabIndex: 0, // tab下标 tabData: [{ createTime: "", gameName: '推荐', gameImg: "", id: 0, status: 0, updateTime: "", }], swiperList: [], gridData: [], lowTaking: [], value1: '', value2: '', value3: '', game: [], defaultIndex: [0, 0, 0], filterData: [ [{ label: '智能优选', value: '', }, { label: '距离优先', value: 3, }, { label: '人气优先', value: 2, }, { label: '同城', value: 1, } ], [{ label: '销量', value: '', }, { label: '从高到低', value: 'desc', }, { label: '从低到高', value: 'asc', } ], [{ label: '价格', value: '', }, { label: '从高到低', value: 'desc', }, { label: '从低到高', value: 'asc', } ], ], city: '请选择城市', latitude: '', longitude: '', orderList: [], token: '', XCXIsSelect: '否', isVip: false, myId: uni.getStorageSync('userId') ? uni.getStorageSync('userId') : '', showModal: true, arr: [], tab: '', geRen: 0, Qe: 0, renzheng: false } }, onLoad(e) { let that = this that.getClassfly() uni.getLocation({ type: 'gcj02', geocode: true, //设置该参数为true可直接获取经纬度及城市信息 success: function(res) { console.log(res, '地理位置') that.latitude = res.latitude that.longitude = res.longitude uni.setStorageSync('latitude', res.latitude) uni.setStorageSync('longitude', res.longitude) // #ifdef APP-PLUS that.city = res.address.city uni.setStorageSync('city', res.address.city) let data = { num: 1, size: 10 } that.getData(data) // #endif // #ifdef H5 that.selectCity(that.longitude, that.latitude); // #endif // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN uni.request({ url: 'https://apis.map.qq.com/ws/geocoder/v1/?location=' + that.latitude + ',' + that .longitude + '&key=5DLBZ-QYMR6-334SQ-MOZUI-Z3GVO-SBFB4', success(re) { if (re.statusCode === 200) { let citydata = re.data.result.address_component.city console.log("获取城市名称成功", citydata) that.city = citydata ? citydata : '未知' uni.setStorageSync('city', citydata) let data = { num: 1, size: 10 } that.getData(data) } else { console.log("获取信息失败,请重试!") } } }); // #endif }, fail: function() { console.log('获取地址失败') } }) // 获取邀请码保存到本地 if (e.invitation) { that.$queue.setData('inviterCode', e.invitation); } if (this.myId) { that.$Request.getT('/app/common/type/235').then(res => { //报名成功通知 if (res.code == 0) { if (res.data && res.data.value) { that.arr.push(res.data.value) } } }) that.$Request.getT('/app/common/type/236').then(res => { //活动即将开始提醒 if (res.code == 0) { if (res.data && res.data.value) { that.arr.push(res.data.value) } } }) } // this.Qe = uni.getStorageSync("Qe") // this.geRen = uni.getStorageSync("geRen") }, onShow() { let that = this that.XCXIsSelect = that.$queue.getData('XCXIsSelect'); that.Qe = uni.getStorageSync("Qe") that.geRen = uni.getStorageSync("geRen") if (that.Qe == 2 || that.geRen == 2) { this.renzheng = false } else { this.renzheng = true } that.city = uni.getStorageSync('city') ? uni.getStorageSync('city') : '请选择城市' that.getBannerList() that.getGrid() that.getLowTaking() // that.getRenZheng() that.token = uni.getStorageSync('token') if (uni.getStorageSync('token')) { that.getIsVip() } that.myId = uni.getStorageSync('userId') console.log(that.showModal, '------', that.myId) // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN //订阅 if (that.myId) { if (this.showModal) { // this.openMsg() } } // #endif }, methods: { bindRz() { // uni.setStorageSync('renzheng',res.data.status) let token = uni.getStorageSync('token') if (token) { uni.navigateTo({ url: '../../my/renzheng/index?classify=' + 1 }) } else { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/public/login' }) } }, selectCity(longitude, latitude) { this.$Request.get('/app/Login/selectCity?lat=' + latitude + '&lng=' + longitude).then(res => { if (res.code == 0) { this.city = res.data.city ? res.data.city : '未知' uni.setStorageSync('city', res.data.city) let data = { num: 1, size: 10 } this.getData(data) } }); }, // 开启订阅消息 openMsg() { console.log('订阅消息') var that = this uni.getSetting({ withSubscriptions: true, //是否获取用户订阅消息的订阅状态,默认false不返回 success(ret) { console.log(ret.subscriptionsSetting, '------------------') // if (ret.subscriptionsSetting.itemSettings && Object.keys(ret.subscriptionsSetting.itemSettings).length == 2) { if (ret.subscriptionsSetting.itemSettings) { uni.setStorageSync('sendMsg', true) uni.openSetting({ // 打开设置页 success(rea) { console.log(rea.authSetting) } }); } else { // 用户没有点击“总是保持以上,不再询问”则每次都会调起订阅消息 console.log(99999) uni.setStorageSync('sendMsg', false) uni.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '为了更好的体验,请绑定消息推送', confirmText: '确定', cancelText: '取消', success: function(res) { if (res.confirm) { wx.requestSubscribeMessage({ tmplIds: that.arr, success(re) { console.log(JSON.stringify(re), '++++++++++++++') var datas = JSON.stringify(re); if (datas.indexOf("accept") != -1) { console.log(re) // uni.setStorageSync('sendMsg', true) } }, fail: (res) => { console.log(res) } }) // uni.setStorageSync('sendMsg', true) console.log('确认') that.showModal = false } else if (res.cancel) { console.log('取消') // uni.setStorageSync('sendMsg', false) that.showModal = true } } }) } } }) }, getIsVip() { this.$Request.get("/app/UserVip/isUserVip").then(res => { if (res.code == 0) { this.isVip = res.data uni.setStorageSync('isVIP', res.data) } }); }, /*下拉刷新的回调 */ downCallback() { // 这里加载你想下拉刷新的数据, 比如刷新轮播数据 // loadSwiper(); // 下拉刷新的回调,默认重置上拉加载列表为第一页 (自动执行 page.num=1, 再触发upCallback方法 ) // this.$refs.uDropdown.close(); this.mescroll.resetUpScroll() }, /*上拉加载的回调: 其中page.num:当前页 从1开始, page.size:每页数据条数,默认10 */ upCallback(page) { // console.log(page,'*************') this.getData(page) }, getData(page) { let curTab = this.tabData[this.tabIndex].gameName if (curTab == '推荐') { curTab = '' this.tab = 0 } else if (curTab != '推荐') { curTab = this.tabData[this.tabIndex].gameName this.tab = 1 } let num if (this.tabIndex == 0) { num = 0 } else { num = 2 } let data = { id: curTab, page: page.num, limit: page.size, isRecommend: num, condition: this.value1, //智能优选 salesNum: this.value2, //不限男女 by: this.value3, //价格 latitude: this.latitude, longitude: this.longitude, city: this.city } // console.log(data) if (this.token) { this.$Request.get("/app/orderTaking/queryTaking", data).then(res => { this.mescroll.endBySize(res.data.list.length, res.data.list) if (res.code == 0) { if (page.num == 1) { this.orderList = res.data.list for (let i = 0; i < this.orderList.length; i++) { this.orderList[i].gameName = this.orderList[i].gameName.split(","); } } else { this.orderList = [...this.orderList, ...res.data.list] for (let i = 0; i < this.orderList.length; i++) { this.orderList[i].gameName = this.orderList[i].gameName.split(","); } } this.loading = false; } this.mescroll.endSuccess(res.data.list.length); // 隐藏加载状态栏 }).catch(() => { //联网失败, 结束加载 this.mescroll.endErr(); }); } else { this.$Request.get("/app/orderTaking/queryTakings", data).then(res => { this.mescroll.endBySize(res.data.list.length, res.data.list) this.loading = false; if (res.code == 0) { if (page.num == 1) { this.orderList = res.data.list for (let i = 0; i < this.orderList.length; i++) { this.orderList[i].gameName = this.orderList[i].gameName.split(","); } } else { this.orderList = [...this.orderList, ...res.data.list] for (let i = 0; i < this.orderList.length; i++) { this.orderList[i].gameName = this.orderList[i].gameName.split(","); } } } this.mescroll.endSuccess(res.data.list.length); // 隐藏加载状态栏 }).catch(() => { //联网失败, 结束加载 this.mescroll.endErr(); }); } this.getClassfly() this.getBannerList() this.getGrid() this.getLowTaking() }, // 切换菜单 tabChange() { if (uni.getStorageSync('sendMsg')) { console.log('授权+1') wx.requestSubscribeMessage({ tmplIds: this.arr, success(re) { console.log(JSON.stringify(re), 111111111111) var datas = JSON.stringify(re); if (datas.indexOf("accept") != -1) { // console.log(re) } }, fail: (res) => { // console.log(res) } }) } this.defaultIndex = [0, 0, 0] // this.$refs.uDropdown.close(); // this.orderList = []; // 置空列表,显示加载进度条 this.mescroll.resetUpScroll() }, // 获取游戏类型 getClassfly() { this.$Request.get("/app/appGame/queryGameName").then(res => { if (res.code == 0) { this.tabData = [{ createTime: "", gameName: '推荐', gameImg: "", id: 0, status: 0, updateTime: "", }] this.tabData = [...this.tabData, ...res.data] } }); }, //获取轮播图 getBannerList() { this.$Request.get("/app/banner/selectBannerList", { classify: 1 }).then(res => { if (res.code == 0) { this.swiperList = res.data } }); }, // 获取金刚区分类 getGrid() { this.$Request.get("/app/banner/selectBannerList", { classify: 2 }).then(res => { if (res.code == 0) { this.gridData = res.data // console.log(this.gridData, ';;;;;;') } }); }, // 乐享低价 getLowTaking() { this.$Request.get("/app/orderTaking/queryLowTaking", { city: this.city }).then(res => { if (res.code == 0) { this.lowTaking = res.data // console.log(this.lowTaking, '0000000000000') } }); }, // 筛选 change(e) { this.value1 = e[0][0].value this.value2 = e[1][0].value this.value3 = e[2][0].value this.mescroll.resetUpScroll() }, // 选择城市 goSelectCity() { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/index/citys/citys' }); }, // 乐享低价 goLowTaking() { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/index/game/lowTaking' }); }, // 跳转游戏列表 goNav(url) { console.log(url, '1111112333') if (uni.getStorageSync('sendMsg')) { console.log('授权+1') wx.requestSubscribeMessage({ tmplIds: this.arr, success(re) { console.log(JSON.stringify(re), 111111111111) var datas = JSON.stringify(re); if (datas.indexOf("accept") != -1) { console.log(re) } }, fail: (res) => { console.log(res) } }) } if (url.indexOf('/pages/') !== -1) { uni.navigateTo({ url }); } else { //#ifndef H5 uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/index/webView?url=' + url }); //#endif //#ifdef H5 window.location.href = url; //#endif } }, // 跳转搜索 goSearch() { if (uni.getStorageSync('sendMsg')) { console.log('授权+1') wx.requestSubscribeMessage({ tmplIds: this.arr, success(re) { // console.log(JSON.stringify(re), 111111111111) var datas = JSON.stringify(re); if (datas.indexOf("accept") != -1) { console.log(re) } }, fail: (res) => { console.log(res) } }) } uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/index/search/index' }); }, // 跳转订单 goOrder(e) { console.log('授权', uni.getStorageSync('sendMsg')) if (uni.getStorageSync('sendMsg')) { console.log('授权+1') wx.requestSubscribeMessage({ tmplIds: this.arr, success(re) { console.log(JSON.stringify(re), 111111111111) var datas = JSON.stringify(re); if (datas.indexOf("accept") != -1) { console.log(re) } }, fail: (res) => { console.log(res) } }) } if (this.token) { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/index/game/order?id=' + e.id }); } else { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/public/login' }); } }, } } </script> <style lang="scss"> page { background-color: #FFFFFF; } .bg { background: #FFFFFF; } .sticky-tabs { z-index: 990; position: sticky; top: var(--window-top); // background-color: #fff; } /* // 使用mescroll-uni,则top为0 */ .mescroll-uni, /deep/.mescroll-uni { .sticky-tabs { top: 0; } } .demo-tip { padding: 18upx; font-size: 24upx; text-align: center; } .line_s { display: inline-flex; width: 10rpx; height: 10rpx; background: #1AD566; border-radius: 50%; margin-right: 10rpx; } .line_x { display: inline-flex; width: 10rpx; height: 10rpx; background: #000000; border-radius: 50%; margin-right: 10rpx; } </style>